Feature Channels: Diabetes

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13-Jul-2010 12:00 PM EDT
Morning Test Helps Doctors Save Kidneys
American Society of Nephrology (ASN)

A morning urine test is superior to all other tests for detecting declining kidney performance in patients with diabetic kidney disease, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society Nephrology (JASN). The results suggest that clinicians should monitor kidney function by measuring the albumin:creatinine ratio from a first morning urine sample.

Released: 15-Jul-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Scientific Leaders Urge Diabetes Patients to Talk with Their Doctor Before Making Changes to Their Medication Use
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society, American Diabetes Association and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists issue joint statement in response to an FDA panel’s recommendation to keep rosiglitazone (Avandia) on the market

Released: 14-Jul-2010 8:00 AM EDT
New Treatment for Diabetic Charcot Foot
Loyola Medicine

Obese diabetics with crippling Charcot foot are being successfully treated with a surgical technique that secures foot bones with an external frame.

Released: 13-Jul-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Disruption of Circadian Rhythm Could Lead to Diabetes
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Disruption of two genes that control circadian rhythms can lead to diabetes, a researcher at UT Southwestern Medical Center has found in an animal study.

Released: 9-Jul-2010 12:00 AM EDT
Team Discovers Sweet Way to Detect Prediabetes
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Having discovered a dramatic increase of an easy-to-detect enzyme in the red blood cells of people with diabetes and prediabetes, Johns Hopkins scientists say the discovery could lead to a simple, routine test for detecting the subtle onset of the disease, before symptoms or complications occur and in time to reverse its course.

Released: 2-Jul-2010 11:50 AM EDT
Transplanted Beta Cells Learn to Deal with Stress
Joslin Diabetes Center

Joslin research finds natural mechanisms in insulin-producing cells that may be enhanced to aid type 1 diabetes treatments.

Released: 2-Jul-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Families with Rare Forms of Diabetes Gather to Celebrate Progress
University of Chicago Medical Center

Twenty-five families who have overcome diabetes caused by a single-gene defect will gather at "Celebrating the Miracles," a University of Chicago symposium for patients, parents and physicians, designed to review scientific studies, celebrate treatment successes, stress the importance of a genetic diagnosis, and exchange tips on life without insulin injections.

29-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
The Trouble with Tribbles in Diabetes
Joslin Diabetes Center

Joslin scientists discover mechanism that lowers insulin secretion in type 2 diabetes.

Released: 1-Jul-2010 9:00 AM EDT
New Variants Found That Indicate a Predisposition to Type 2 Diabetes
University of Michigan

An international team co-led by scientists from the University of Michigan have discovered 12 more regions on the genome with DNA variants that are associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, bringing the number to 38.

29-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Low Vitamin D Linked to the Metabolic Syndrome in Elderly People
Endocrine Society

A new study adds to the mounting evidence that older adults commonly have low vitamin D levels and that vitamin D inadequacy may be a risk factor for the metabolic syndrome, a condition that affects one in four adults. The results were presented at The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego.

Released: 29-Jun-2010 9:45 AM EDT
A Sensor Combined with an Insulin Pump Results in Better Blood Sugar Control in All Age Groups with Diabetes
University Health Network (UHN)

Adding a continuous blood sugar level sensor to an insulin pump helps patients with type 1 diabetes achieve better blood sugar control compared to the common standard of care, multiple daily insulin injections, concludes a study published on-line today in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Released: 29-Jun-2010 8:00 AM EDT
A One-Two Punch: Embryonic Cell and Adult Pig Islet Transplants Cure Diabetes in Rats
Washington University in St. Louis

In a step toward curing diabetes in humans, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have alleviated the disease in rats using transplants from both embryonic and adult pigs.

24-Jun-2010 5:00 PM EDT
Aggressive Control of Cardiac Risk Factors Might Not Benefit All Patients With Diabetes
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association

A mathematical model suggests that aggressively pursuing low blood pressure and cholesterol levels may not benefit, and could even harm, some patients with diabetes, according to a report in the June 28 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

24-Jun-2010 3:40 PM EDT
Type 2 Diabetes Medication Rosiglitazone Associated With Increased Cardiovascular Risks and Death
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association

A new study published online today by JAMA shows that among patients age 65 years and older, rosiglitazone (a medication for treating Type 2 diabetes) is associated with an increased risk of stroke, heart failure, and all-cause mortality (death) when compared with pioglitazone (another medication for diabetes). The study was published online today in advance of an upcoming Food and Drug Administration meeting that will review the safety of rosiglitazone. The paper will appear in the July 28 print issue of JAMA.

24-Jun-2010 3:55 PM EDT
New Meta-Analysis Demonstrates Heart Risks Associated With Rosiglitazone
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association

Eleven years after the introduction of the diabetes drug rosiglitazone, data from available clinical trials demonstrate an increased risk for heart attack associated with its use and suggest an unfavorable benefit-to-risk ratio, according to a report posted online today that will appear in the July 26 print issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

18-Jun-2010 1:15 PM EDT
Obesity, Weight Gain in Middle Age Associated With Increased Risk of Diabetes Among Older Adults
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association

For individuals 65 years of age and older, obesity, excess body fat around the waist and gaining weight after the age of 50 are associated with an increased risk of diabetes, according to a study in the June 23/30 issue of JAMA.

Released: 22-Jun-2010 2:30 PM EDT
Large Gap in Diabetes, Obesity Screening Among U.S. Health Clinics
Health Behavior News Service

A new nationwide study finds that some local health clinics do not offer diabetes screening or obesity prevention programs to their clients, who tend to be poor.

Released: 21-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Many People with Diabetes Do Not Know or Heed Dangers of Hot Weather
Endocrine Society

A new survey shows that diabetic individuals who live in a hot climate have important gaps in their “heat awareness,” or knowledge about proper diabetes self-care in hot weather, even though diabetes raises their risk of heat illness. The results of “Diabetes in the Desert: What Do Patients Know About the Heat?” will be presented Monday at The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego.

Released: 21-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Diabetes Care Management Program Lowers Health Care Costs, Hospitalization Rates
Endocrine Society

Medicare patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease can significantly reduce both the cost of their medical care and rates of hospitalization by participating in a telephone-based diabetes disease management program, a new study finds. The authors will present their results Monday at The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego.

Released: 21-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Gene Therapy Reverses Type 1 Diabetes in Mice
Endocrine Society

Researchers have developed an experimental cure for Type 1 diabetes, a disease that affects about one in every 400 to 600 children and adolescents. They will present their results in a mouse model of Type 1 diabetes on Sunday at The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego.

Released: 21-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Bariatric Surgery in Diabetic Adults Improves Insulin Sensitivity Better than Diet
Endocrine Society

Gastric bypass surgery improves Type 2 diabetes by other mechanisms in addition to weight loss and does so better than a low-calorie diet despite achieving equal weight loss, a new study finds. The results will be presented Monday at The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego.

Released: 21-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Poor Control of Diabetes May be Linked to Low Vitamin D
Endocrine Society

Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent in patients with Type 2 diabetes and may be associated with poor blood sugar control, according to a new study. The results will be presented Saturday at The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego.

Released: 21-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Well-Defined Quantity of Antioxidants in Diet Can Improve Insulin Resistance
Endocrine Society

A diet rich in natural antioxidants improves insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant obese adults and enhances the effect of the insulin-sensitizing drug metformin, a preliminary study from Italy finds. The results will be presented Monday at The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego. “The beneficial effects of antioxidants are known, but we have revealed for the first time one of their biological bases of action—improving hormonal action in obese subjects with the metabolic syndrome,” said principal author Antonio Mancini, MD, an endocrinology researcher at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome. The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic risk factors for developing diabetes, heart disease and stroke. People with this syndrome cannot efficiently use insulin, the hormone that regulates glucose (sugar) in the blood. Some evidence exists that oxidative stress may play a role in the metabolic syndrome, according to Mancini. Oxidative stress, a bioc

Released: 20-Jun-2010 2:00 PM EDT
Fructose Sugar Makes Maturing Human Fat Cells Fatter, Less Insulin-Sensitive
Endocrine Society

Fructose, the sugar widely used as high-fructose corn syrup in soft drinks and processed foods, often gets some of the blame for the widespread rise in obesity. Now a laboratory study has found that when fructose is present as children’s fat cells mature, it makes more of these cells mature into fat cells in belly fat and less able to respond to insulin in both belly fat and fat located below the skin.

18-Jun-2010 1:40 PM EDT
Cutting Carbs is More Effective than Low-Fat Diet for Insulin-Resistant Women
Endocrine Society

Obese women with insulin resistance lose more weight after three months on a lower-carbohydrate diet than on a traditional low-fat diet with the same number of calories, according to a new study. The results will be presented Saturday at The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego.

18-Jun-2010 2:00 PM EDT
Certain Obese People are Not at High Risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes
Endocrine Society

Obese people without metabolic risk factors for diabetes and heart disease, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, do not have the elevated cardiovascular risk typical of obesity, but they represent only a small percentage of the obese population, according to a long-term study. The results will be presented Saturday at The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego.

Released: 17-Jun-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Physical Fitness May Help Reduce Chronic Disease Risk in College Students
Tufts University

Staying in shape may bolster the metabolic profiles of first-year college students, even in those with higher than desirable body fat percentages. An epidemiological study from Tufts University found an association between physical fitness, body fat percentage and certain metabolic risk factors.

Released: 7-Jun-2010 4:15 PM EDT
Innovative Technology Could Make Fat the Cure for What Ails You
University of Virginia

Technology developed by University of Virginia inventors involving adipose stem cells – adult stem cells found in fatty tissue – could one day be used to treat severe wounds and other conditions. The technology has just been licensed to the GID Group.

Released: 7-Jun-2010 1:40 PM EDT
Team Discovers Important New Player in Diabetes Onset
La Jolla Institute for Immunology

If you think of diabetes onset like an elaborate molecular drama, then a research team led by a La Jolla Institute scientist has unmasked a previously unknown cellular player, which is critical to proper insulin secretion. “Defective insulin secretion is a hallmark of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes,” said Catherine Hedrick, Ph.D., a scientist at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology, who led the team, which included researchers from the University of Virginia.

Released: 7-Jun-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Baylor Health Care System and the City of Dallas Join Efforts to Fight Diabetes in South Dallas
Baylor Scott and White Health

Baylor Health Care System announced today the opening of a new Diabetes Health and Wellness Institute in an underserved community in South Dallas that it believes will ultimately influence the way diabetes is treated and prevented around the country.

Released: 27-May-2010 3:50 PM EDT
Dieting Alone May Not Help Stave Off Type 2 Diabetes
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

Sarcopenia--low skeletal muscle mass and strength--was associated with insulin resistance in both obese and non-obese individuals. It was also associated with high blood-sugar levels in obese people but not in thin people.

24-May-2010 10:50 AM EDT
Inhaling Diabetes? Study Suggests Link Between Air Pollution and Type 2 Diabetes in Women
Environmental Health Perspectives (NIEHS)

Traffic-related air pollution, known to raise the risk for cardiovascular disease, may also increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in women. Low-grade inflammation may contribute to the higher incidence of type 2 diabetes in women exposed to air pollution, according to German researchers.

Released: 26-May-2010 4:00 PM EDT
UIC to Host Institute of Medicine Meeting on Diabetes and Obesity
University of Illinois Chicago

The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies will convene a regional meeting on Sept. 21 at the University of Illinois at Chicago to discuss the rapidly rising rates of diabetes and obesity in the U.S.

Released: 25-May-2010 4:50 PM EDT
NIH Awards $10M to Einstein for Diabetes Research
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University a five-year, $9.5 million grant for the continuation of its Diabetes Research and Training Center (DRTC).

Released: 25-May-2010 6:00 AM EDT
Researchers Develop Device to Predict Diabetic Wound Healing
Drexel University

Researchers at Drexel University developed a prototype that measures the level of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin around a wound and compares it to a control/non-wound site of the same patient. Based on a study, the time course of oxygenated hemoglobin change was found to be a strong indicator of diabetic wound healing.

10-May-2010 2:30 PM EDT
Sleep Apnea May Increase Insulin Resistance
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Sleep apnea may cause metabolic changes that increase insulin resistance, according to researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The intermittent hypoxia associated with sleep apnea causes a distinct drop in insulin sensitivity in mice, even though chronic hypoxia, such as that associated with high altitude, did not.

Released: 13-May-2010 5:00 AM EDT
Computers Can Effectively Detect Diabetes-Related Eye Problems
University of Iowa

People with diabetes have an increased risk of blindness, yet nearly half of the 23 million Americans with diabetes do not get an annual eye exam to detect possible problems. But it appears that cost-effective computerized systems that detect early eye problems related to diabetes can help meet the screening need.

11-May-2010 3:00 PM EDT
Dental Treatment Might Lower Glucose Levels in Type 2 Diabetes
Health Behavior News Service

Routine dental treatment can reduce blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes who have gum disease.

Released: 7-May-2010 2:25 PM EDT
Research Team Develop Agents That Keep Insulin Working Longer
Mayo Clinic

More than half a century after researchers identified a promising way to treat diabetes based on blocking the breakdown of insulin in the body, a research team led by a scientist at the Mayo Clinic campus in Florida have developed potent molecules that can do just that.

3-May-2010 10:00 AM EDT
One Sleepless Night can Induce Insulin Resistance in Healthy People
Endocrine Society

According to a new study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM), just one night of short sleep duration can induce insulin resistance, a component of type 2 diabetes.

27-Apr-2010 12:00 PM EDT
Insulin Guards Against Artery Damage
Joslin Diabetes Center

Long suspected of worsening artery damage in patients with diabetes, insulin instead protects blood vessels, a new study by Joslin Diabetes Center scientists indicates.

30-Apr-2010 10:55 AM EDT
Many “Pre” Patients May Not be as Healthy as They Think
American Society of Hypertension (ASH)

Data presented at ASH 2010 suggest early therapeutic approaches may be appropriate for patients with pre-diabetes, pre-hypertension, or both conditions

Released: 26-Apr-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Grapes Reduce Risk Factors for Heart Disease, Diabetes
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Scientists at the University of Michigan Health System are teasing out clues to the effect of grapes in reducing risk factors related to cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. The effect is thought to be due to phytochemicals -- naturally occurring antioxidants – that grapes contain.

Released: 20-Apr-2010 2:50 PM EDT
Scientists Find Gene that Ties Stress to Obesity and Diabetes
Weizmann Institute of Science

Anxiety disorders and depression, as well as metabolic disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and arteriosclerosis, have all been linked to stress. But how? Weizmann Institute scientists have discovered that changes in the activity of a single gene not only cause mice to exhibit anxious behavior, but also lead to metabolic changes.

19-Apr-2010 4:30 PM EDT
Scientists Reveal How Genetic Mutations May Cause Type 1 Diabetes
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists from The Scripps Research Institute have provided an answer to the 40-year-old mystery of how certain genetic mutations lead to Type 1 diabetes. This new molecular understanding could lead to novel therapies for Type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases.

Released: 19-Apr-2010 2:55 PM EDT
Block by Block: A Campaign to Combat Diabetes

Rush University Medical Center and community organizations are collaborating on an unusual program to educate residents of a Chicago neighborhood about diabetes, increase early diagnosis and provide resources to improve medical care and self-management. The rate of Type 2 diabetes in the community is 14 percent, double that for Americans nationwide.

Released: 16-Apr-2010 4:00 PM EDT
Discovery Could Help Diabetics and Others with Slow-to-Heal Wounds
Loyola Medicine

A new discovery about the wound-healing process could lead to better treatments for diabetics and other patients who have wounds that are slow to heal.

Released: 13-Apr-2010 12:15 PM EDT
Alliance Health Networks Migrates Diabetic Connect to Its New Social Networking Platform
Alliance Health Networks

Alliance Health Networks migrates Diabetic Connect to its new social networking platform bringing new features and enhanced functionality to the largest online social network for people touched by diabetes.

Released: 12-Apr-2010 4:30 PM EDT
Team Discovers “Smart” Insulin Protein Molecule
Case Western Reserve University

For millions of Americans with Type-2 diabetes and inject insulin to control diabetes (with onset typically in adulthood) the associated risk of cancer is of increasing concern. Studies have demonstrated that obesity and excess insulin – whether naturally produced by the body or injected in synthetic form – are associated with an increased incidence of some common cancers.

Released: 12-Apr-2010 11:00 AM EDT
Researcher Develops Accurate, Portable Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitor
Baylor University

Two years ago, a Baylor University researcher developed an effective and accurate electromagnetic sensor that provides diabetics a noninvasive alternative to reading their blood glucose levels. There was just one problem: it was too big to carry around. Today, Baylor researchers announced they have developed a sensing method that uses a circuit board small enough to make the device portable.
