Latest News from: University of Notre Dame

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Released: 23-May-2023 2:10 PM EDT
Investors overvalue companies that align with presidential policies – and their mistakes ‘leave money on the table’
University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame Finance researcher Zhi Da analyzed how presidential politics affects the performance of individual stocks, especially those that could benefit or be hurt by a president’s policies.

Newswise:Video Embedded forgetfulness-even-fatal-cases-can-happen-to-anyone-study-shows
Released: 18-May-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Forgetfulness, even fatal cases, can happen to anyone, study shows
University of Notre Dame

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame set out to understand how and why forgetfulness can occur — whether it be forgetting your cellphone or, even worse, forgetting your child in the backseat of the car. Nathan Rose, the William P. and Hazel B. White Assistant Professor of Brain, Behavior and Cognition in the Department of Psychology, set up an experiment to better understand this lapse in what researchers call prospective memory, or the ability to remember critical but routine behaviors.

Released: 18-May-2023 9:20 AM EDT
ND Experts on the opportunities, concerns and impacts of AI
University of Notre Dame

In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law on Tuesday (May 16), OpenAI CEO Sam Altman proposed the formation of a U.S. or global agency that would license the most powerful AI systems and have the authority to “take that license away and ensure compliance with safety standards.”

Newswise:Video Embedded cash-or-card-consumers-pay-strategically-to-forget-guilty-purchases-study-shows
Released: 17-May-2023 3:40 PM EDT
Cash or card? Consumers pay strategically to forget guilty purchases, study shows
University of Notre Dame

New research from Christopher Bechler, assistant professor of marketing in the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business, takes a first-time look into how consumers choose between using cash or credit cards, and shows they pay strategically to help them forget about guilty purchases. 

Newswise: Kroc Institute releases special report on implementation status of gender approach within Colombian Peace Agreement
Released: 2-May-2023 2:45 PM EDT
Kroc Institute releases special report on implementation status of gender approach within Colombian Peace Agreement
University of Notre Dame

The Peace Accords Matrix at the University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies has released a new special report outlining the current implementation status of the gender approach within the 2016 Colombian Peace Accord. The implementation of the gender approach has been fundamental to guaranteeing the protection and promotion of the rights of women and LGBTQ+ people.

Newswise: Paternal incarceration complicates college plans for Black youth
Released: 27-Apr-2023 2:00 PM EDT
Paternal incarceration complicates college plans for Black youth
University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame professors Anna Haskins, the Andrew V. Tackes Associate Professor of Sociology and associate director of Notre Dame’s Initiative on Race and Resilience, and Joel Mittleman, assistant professor of sociology, used data from the Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study (FFCWS) to determine how 15-year-old children of incarcerated fathers view their own educational futures.

Newswise: Notre Dame, Yale partnership yields high-stakes policy brief on sustainable peacebuilding strategies
Released: 14-Apr-2023 3:45 PM EDT
Notre Dame, Yale partnership yields high-stakes policy brief on sustainable peacebuilding strategies
University of Notre Dame

A new policy brief, released Tuesday (April 11) by the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame and Yale University’s Jackson School of Global Affairs, offers insight on how sustainable peacebuilding can be practiced. Drawing on case studies from civil wars, such as those in Colombia, Central African Republic, Guatemala and Northern Ireland, the brief was written by a team of scholars, practitioners and policymakers and edited by Josefina Echavarría Alvarez of the University of Notre Dame and Catherine Panter-Brick and Bisa Williams from Yale University.

Newswise: ‘Ragpickers’ of Mumbai use entrepreneurship to find meaning, study shows
Released: 11-Apr-2023 10:20 AM EDT
‘Ragpickers’ of Mumbai use entrepreneurship to find meaning, study shows
University of Notre Dame

A new study from Dean Shepherd, the Ray and Milann Siegfried Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business considers meaning-making in the face of difficult dirty work by examining the “ragpickers” in Mumbai, India. These members of the lowest caste in Indian society live in the slums and dig through trash for food and necessities. And yet, they manage to embrace hope, destiny and survival.

Newswise: Will a robot take my job? Notre Dame researcher says this view is overly pessimistic
Released: 30-Mar-2023 12:30 PM EDT
Will a robot take my job? Notre Dame researcher says this view is overly pessimistic
University of Notre Dame

With the impact of industrial robots on the U.S. labor markets in the past two decades, and an ever-increasing presence of machine-driven technology (such as artificial intelligence and ChatGPT), many employees have feared that one day robots will take their jobs. Not necessarily so, according to research recently published by Yong Suk Lee, an assistant professor in the University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs.

Newswise:Video Embedded the-organization-of-sex-trafficking-study-reveals-entrepreneurial-cycle-of-human-exploitation
Released: 27-Mar-2023 3:25 PM EDT
The organization of sex trafficking: Study reveals entrepreneurial cycle of human exploitation
University of Notre Dame

Through coercion and deception, more than 20 million people around the world are forced into labor that generates more than $150 billion in annual profits, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO). At an extreme, modern slavery and human trafficking involve exploitation that a person cannot refuse or escape because of threats, violence, coercion and deception.

Newswise: Upward trend in ‘deaths of despair’ linked to drop in religious participation, economist finds
Released: 7-Mar-2023 1:10 PM EST
Upward trend in ‘deaths of despair’ linked to drop in religious participation, economist finds
University of Notre Dame

Over the past 20 years, the death rate from drug poisonings in the U.S. has tripled and suicide and alcoholic liver disease death rates have increased by 30 percent — particularly among middle-aged white Americans. Daniel Hungerman, professor of economics at the University of Notre Dame, and his co-authors studied the connection between a sharp downturn of religious participation in the late 1980s and the swift rise in these "deaths of despair" among white Americans ages 45 to 54 in the early 1990s.

Newswise: Notre Dame expert discusses effects of war in Ukraine on agriculture, trade
Released: 9-Feb-2023 2:45 PM EST
Notre Dame expert discusses effects of war in Ukraine on agriculture, trade
University of Notre Dame

Susanne Wengle has been following the effects of the war on Ukrainian agriculture, the products of which account for roughly 40 percent of the country’s export earnings.

Newswise: Notre Dame expert on bills preventing Chinese citizens and companies from purchasing land: Adopting blanket restrictions will come with huge collateral costs
Released: 8-Feb-2023 12:05 PM EST
Notre Dame expert on bills preventing Chinese citizens and companies from purchasing land: Adopting blanket restrictions will come with huge collateral costs
University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame expert responds to the recent trend among states that are pursuing and supporting bills to prevent Chinese citizens and companies from purchasing U.S. land

Newswise: Notre Dame experts reflect on first anniversary of war in Ukraine
Released: 7-Feb-2023 1:05 PM EST
Notre Dame experts reflect on first anniversary of war in Ukraine
University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame experts take a retrospective view on this one-year mark of the Russian invasion and provide insight into the war and its impact on Ukraine, the U.S. and the world.

Newswise: Notre Dame study finds voter ID laws mobilize voters in both parties, rather than sway election results
Released: 7-Feb-2023 12:30 PM EST
Notre Dame study finds voter ID laws mobilize voters in both parties, rather than sway election results
University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame researchers found that voter ID requirements motivated supporters of both parties equally to comply and participate, but had little overall effect on the actual outcomes of the elections.

Newswise: ‘Regulation by reputation’: Rating program can help combat migrant abuse in the Gulf
Released: 1-Feb-2023 4:45 PM EST
‘Regulation by reputation’: Rating program can help combat migrant abuse in the Gulf
University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame economist A. Nilesh Fernando examined whether a rating system could impact the effort to prevent widespread abuse of South Asian migrants in the Persian Gulf region at the hands of their employers.

Newswise: Rapid plant evolution may make coastal regions more susceptible to flooding and sea level rise, study shows
Released: 26-Jan-2023 3:05 PM EST
Rapid plant evolution may make coastal regions more susceptible to flooding and sea level rise, study shows
University of Notre Dame

Evolution has occurred more rapidly than previously thought in the Chesapeake Bay wetlands, which may decrease the chance that coastal marshes can withstand future sea level rise, researchers at the University of Notre Dame and collaborators demonstrated in a recent publication in Science.

Newswise:Video Embedded boards-of-directors-and-the-media-generally-get-it-right-in-rewarding-ceos-based-on-performance-study-shows
Released: 12-Jan-2023 3:10 PM EST
Boards of directors and the media generally ‘get it right’ in rewarding CEOs based on performance, study shows
University of Notre Dame

The Notre Dame study looks at performance based on the impact the CEO has on the firm within the context of the performance they inherited and the time period in which they ran the firm.

Newswise: Notre Dame researchers develop new ’raspberry-shaped’ nanoparticle for precision drug delivery
Released: 7-Dec-2022 10:05 AM EST
Notre Dame researchers develop new ’raspberry-shaped’ nanoparticle for precision drug delivery
University of Notre Dame

A newly discovered technique, reported in the journal Nanoscale, offers a low-cost way to enhance the effectiveness of existing drugs.

Newswise: New visual scale offers simple measure to help identify job burnout
Released: 30-Nov-2022 4:10 PM EST
New visual scale offers simple measure to help identify job burnout
University of Notre Dame

Existing methods of identifying job burnout are lengthy and sometimes proprietary, but new research from the University of Notre Dame offers a faster and easier way.

Newswise: Engineers use quantum computing to develop transparent window coating that blocks heat, saves energy
Released: 29-Nov-2022 3:40 PM EST
Engineers use quantum computing to develop transparent window coating that blocks heat, saves energy
University of Notre Dame

Tengfei Luo, the Dorini Family Professor of Energy Studies at the University of Notre Dame, and postdoctoral associate Seongmin Kim have devised a transparent coating for windows that could help cool the room, use no energy and preserve the view.

Newswise:Video Embedded patient-care-improves-when-hospitals-choose-a-single-vendor-for-medical-records-software-study-shows
Released: 11-Nov-2022 5:05 AM EST
Patient care improves when hospitals choose a single vendor for medical records software, study shows
University of Notre Dame

New research from the University of Notre Dame shows for the first time that the sourcing strategy chosen by hospitals impacts the quality of patient care. When hospitals move closer to a single-sourcing strategy, patients receive better evidence-based care.

Newswise: Researchers develop superfast new method to manufacture high-performance thermoelectric devices
Released: 8-Nov-2022 1:10 PM EST
Researchers develop superfast new method to manufacture high-performance thermoelectric devices
University of Notre Dame

Yanliang Zhang, associate professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering at the University of Notre Dame and collaborators have developed a machine-learning assisted superfast new way to create high-performance, energy-saving thermoelectric devices.

Newswise:Video Embedded the-future-of-the-labor-market-and-the-economy-a-conversation-with-dan-graff
Released: 3-Nov-2022 12:35 PM EDT
The Future of the Labor Market and the Economy: A Conversation with Dan Graff
University of Notre Dame

Daniel Graff is director of the University of Notre Dame’s Higgins Labor Program. Here, he explores the resurgence of unionization efforts, the future of the U.S. labor market and its impact on the economy.

Newswise: ‘On the brink of a new civil war’: New national survey highlights fragility of American democracy, stark partisan divides
Released: 3-Nov-2022 11:05 AM EDT
‘On the brink of a new civil war’: New national survey highlights fragility of American democracy, stark partisan divides
University of Notre Dame

A new nationally representative survey released by the University of Notre Dame reveals more than half of Republicans and one-third of Democrats believe the United States to be on the brink of a new civil war.

Newswise: Bridging Knowledge with Action: Notre Dame Climate Experts Discuss the Future of Our Planet
Released: 2-Nov-2022 12:15 PM EDT
Bridging Knowledge with Action: Notre Dame Climate Experts Discuss the Future of Our Planet
University of Notre Dame

At the University of Notre Dame, climate change researchers are bringing real-world solutions to communities worldwide, providing perspective on policy issues and encouraging shifts in human behavior to face that uncertainty with resilience.

Newswise: The Future of the Supreme Court: A Conversation with Law Professor Richard W. Garnett
Released: 24-Oct-2022 4:05 PM EDT
The Future of the Supreme Court: A Conversation with Law Professor Richard W. Garnett
University of Notre Dame

Richard W. Garnett is the University of Notre Dame’s Paul J. Schierl/Fort Howard Corporation Professor of Law, director of the Law School’s Program on Church, State & Society and a concurrent professor of political science. Garnett discusses the future of the Supreme Court.

Newswise:Video Embedded similarities-in-movie-review-content-by-critics-and-general-users-impact-movie-sales-study-shows
Released: 7-Oct-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Similarities in movie review content by critics and general users impact movie sales, study shows
University of Notre Dame

By analyzing movie reviews, new research from the University of Notre Dame proposes a “topic consistency” measure to capture the degree of overlap between critic and user review content and finds that it does impact movie sales.

Newswise: Study finds high levels of PFAS in school uniforms
Released: 20-Sep-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Study finds high levels of PFAS in school uniforms
University of Notre Dame

Scientists at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana University, the University of Toronto and the Green Science Policy Institute analyzed a variety of children’s textiles. Fluorine was detected in 65 percent of samples tested.

